Throughout COVID-19, AMIS has continued in its mission to promote global understanding through friendship and hospitality with international students.
So far we've:
1) Reached out to international students involved with AMIS to assess their needs.
2) Encouraged continued relationships with already existing Amigo Friendship Partners.
3) Distributed 20 jigsaw puzzles to students during stay-at-home orders.
Hosted weekly "AMIS Talks" to share life and gain encouragement from each other through Zoom video conferencing.
4) Designed "Virtual Interest Groups" to give students and volunteers the opportunity to connect virtually around common interests. Virtual events over various topics such as movies, travel and culture, and career are planned to start in June.
5) Been a resource for individual students who have requested financial, practical, and/or emotional support.
6) Explored ways to plan fall events to welcome students in ways that align with recommended CDC guidelines.
7) Raised $2000 on #GivingTuesdayNow to create new videos to welcome international students this fall.